The Reflections Program is a National PTA and Washington State PTA cultural arts competition.
The purpose of this program is to provide an opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works.
Young artists get involved through their local PTA or PTSA. A student may submit an entry in any of six arts areas. Only original works of art are accepted. The six art areas are: Visual Arts Photography, Literature, Music Composition, Dance Choreography, and Film Production.
The 2024-2025 theme is "Accepting Imperfection"
Each local PTA is responsible for setting its own deadline for submissions. The deadline for all entries to be submitted to the SVPTSA Council is Dec. 15, 2024.
For more information about the Reflections program, please visit the Washington State PTA's Reflections page, or email [email protected].
(Local Reflections chairs can find more information at the WSPTA Reflections Leader page.)
2023-2024 Reflections Info
The 2023-2024 theme was "I Am Hopeful Because ..."
The SVPTSA Council would like to congratulate the following students whose entries advanced to the state level:
Cascade View Elementary School
*Darcy Mossell (Received an Award of Merit from WSPTA)
Sanvita Maddirala
Finn Mossell
Fall City Elementary School
*Angelica Radovich (Received an Award of Excellence from WSPTA)
Liliana Kania
Hadley Kemp
Hudson Kirchmeier
Preston Kirchmeier
North Bend Elementary School
*Cora Heller (Received an Award of Excellence from WSPTA)
Snoqualmie Elementary School
Anna Burch
Lucy Opitz
Snoqualmie Middle School
*Evelina Barasona (Received an Award of Excellence from WSPTA)
Max Crawford
Jerald Hersrud Kopp
Ibrahim Malik
Shasta Olsen
Satvik Seetamraju
Sanna Tuip
Twin Falls Middle School
Kaelynn Sampson
Mount Si High School
Joanna Bond
Alicia Christensen
Saanvi Seetamraju
Celena Zhang
Click here to view a slideshow of all the SVPTSA's 2023-2024 state-qualifying entries.
Click here to see a list of the 2023-2024 state-level Reflections winners.
For more information and complete rules visit https://www.wastatepta.org/events-programs/reflections.